Category Archives: Pearson

West bound but down first

We left upstate New York a few days before New Years Eve 2014, drove to Baltimore where the temperatures dipped well below zero with a wind-chill akin to Yellowknife or Siberia, or just Syracuse, let’s not be dramatic. Deciding enough was enough we split for the South. Within ten hours of Baltimore we’re in Savannah, Georgia parking the car under a palm tree, walking into a liquor store.

61 minutes of good.

61 minutes of good.

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Quick Beer

Quick Beer: “Come in for a quick beer?” “Come by for a beer, quick.” “Stay for one more.” Statements I love hearing and commands I might actually comply with (I don’t like being told what to do). But, I have a theory about what a ‘quick beer’ is. A ‘quick beer’ is not a Belgian Quad or an Arrogant Bastard or a Brown’s Taconic Double IPA poured from a cask into an imperial glass, a ‘quick beer’ usually means just that: a beer you can drink quickly, something with a low ABV that is easy to drink. In my experience a ‘quick beer’ also implies a social contract where one must drink whatever is offered by the host, this is murky territory, as one could be forced to drink the feared ‘guest beer’ a brew so horrible that it’s only given with the intention (or hope) that the guest is not going to be sticking around for another, unless they’re a real asshole, and in that case they probably invited themselves over….Shandys are suitable guest beers, as are anything like Aspen Edge, Green Light, Michelob Ultra, or a dusty warm can of Ice HouseContinue reading »

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Argyle Brewing Company

New York State is the ‘Empire’ state, founded by businessmen where, on rare occasion, the legislative body that governs this large and diverse landscape gets something right (sort of). The Farm Brewery Law in 2013 was an excellent step in the right direction as far as economic development and tourism for New York’s smaller farming communities.  Continue reading »

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Taos to Albuquerque

OK – Taos.  All that I wrote about the drive from Pueblo Colorado to Taos, New Mexico was true, except for some specific details, details that I’m not sure need to be covered in a blog more or less about beer.  Suffice it to say we left a bar in Pueblo, Colorado around 11pm and drove 35 miles through a blinding snow storm to a rest stop, tucked ourselves into bed in the back of our Element with pie in the sky hopes that the snow would subside by morning, it didn’t. Using a Frisbee (it was early October so we were unprepared for a blizzard) I cleared as much snow off the car as I could and we were off towards Walsenburg, Colorado, where we stopped for coffee, bought bad gas and caught up on email before moving further on towards Taos.

The snow in the morning

The snow in the morning

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Looking for beer in Denver

continued….. It’s Friday night, we’re in Denver and the Great American Beer Fest is happening!  Unfortunately it’s sold out and has been since an hour after tickets went on sale six months ago, all the same to us as we’re enjoying being outside and experiencing the city not as a couple of drunken blithering idiots.  Our hotel is a few miles out of town in a congested suburban hell, where lifeless row houses, condos, supermarkets, and minivans distract from the gorgeous rocky mountain views.  However, behind the “progress” lies incredibly flowy bike and walking trails that criss-cross through an open range like plaid patterns in a lumberjack’s shirt.

The trails from the back of the hotel

The trails from the back of the hotel…

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Here’s to the King

This is to a king who does not swing….and kind of tastes like fizzy water syrup….as the question has come up, “Why do I often post photographs of me holding a Budweiser to advertise that there is a new blog post?”  Well, hopefully the next few hundred words will be entertaining and shed some light as to why I don’t put the “king of beers” down and it has nothing to do with it’s beechwood aging.

King of Sessions

King of Sessions

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Breweries 11

Continued….After a gorgeous week in Skaneateles, seeing family and friends and a great weekend at the Buffalo International Film Fest with even more of our extended family, the time has come for us to move.  (It was cool to meet Charlene Amoia, who played Wendy the waitress from How I Met Your Mother, at the film festival; she was very kind.)

With the rest of the month to get to LA for our next film fest, our destination is set but the next four weeks are wide open and we can do whatever we want and go where ever we please.  It’s beer and adventure we seek, stop one: Pittsburgh. Continue reading »

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Breweries 10


Continued…. After crossing the massive Mackinac Bridge, we’re on main land Michigan en route to Traverse City, where we have a hotel reservation and a nose for good beer.  The road is empty and though the sun is exposing the colorful treetops, a dense fog gives way to a freakish yet mercifully brief snowstorm before evaporating into a picturesque glorious morning.  After many off the beaten path stops to stroll through the towns and walk the shores of North Eastern Lake Michigan, we’re in the quaint quasi-cosmopolitan town of Traverse City just after lunch.

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Breweries 9

continued…. With a need to get back east for The Long Bike Back screenings in the Finger Lakes and the Buffalo International Film Festival, we decide to take the long way through the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, along the shores of Lake Superior to Lake Huron, going around Lake Erie through Canada before re-entering the US in Niagara Falls.

Leaving Appleton was easy, packed out and pointed our car north, the music of Lord Huron taking up soundtrack duty for the early autumn day.  Trees ablaze with color and the shoreline of Lake Michigan is enchanting, but as we roll into Marquette, Lake Superior overwhelms us with its magnificence.  Continue reading »

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Breweries 8


Out of Milwaukee on the road toward Green Bay, the highway is empty and what we can make out in the faint moonlight is endless and empty flat space with the all too familiar odor of cow.  With each passing mile a gnawing sense of the creeps is crawling its way into my head, yet we press further on into the Midwest midnight void. Continue reading »

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