Tag Archives: san diego

The Southern California Coast

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We made it to San Diego and stopped at another car repair shop, seeking an alignment and ending up with new brakes. Finally our bad luck ran out and we enjoyed a beautiful sunset and lots of great beer.

San Diego waterfront at Sunset Continue reading »

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The Continuing Series of Unfortunate Events

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continued from last week’s Tire Blow-Out post…

So after a night in Joshua Tree National Park we drove to Palm Springs to get Pearson’s glasses fixed and procure four new tires.

Joshua Tree National Park at sunset

As an aside, someone please tell me the appeal Palm Springs. Seriously, I don’t get it. It’s miles and miles of strip malls and traffic, all I felt there was panic and anxiety; it took all day to run a hand full of errands.

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Breweries 11

Continued….After a gorgeous week in Skaneateles, seeing family and friends and a great weekend at the Buffalo International Film Fest with even more of our extended family, the time has come for us to move.  (It was cool to meet Charlene Amoia, who played Wendy the waitress from How I Met Your Mother, at the film festival; she was very kind.)

With the rest of the month to get to LA for our next film fest, our destination is set but the next four weeks are wide open and we can do whatever we want and go where ever we please.  It’s beer and adventure we seek, stop one: Pittsburgh. Continue reading »

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