Tag Archives: snow

A (Love) Hate Letter to Winter

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I gave in and went to the gym today. We’ve been staying in eastern New York on the border of Vermont and the nearest gym—we still have our Planet Fitness membership—is more than 30 minutes away. I have not been able to justify driving for nearly the same amount of time I’m going to workout, so for the past two months I’ve braved the wind, snow, and brutally cold temperatures to do my daily five-mile walk outside. Today wasn’t even the coldest day, that was a couple of weeks ago: a -14 air temp, -24 wind chill (nothing like the -110 windchill on the summit of Whiteface in Lake Placid) but this whole week was windy with negative air temps and so this morning when I saw that it was -3 air temp, -23 windchill, suddenly the drive was justifiable.

Frozen Morning WalkLight Snow CoverBlue Skies Over SnowLong Shadows in the SnowWinter WonderlandSnow Coated FarmSnow CoatedFrozen Skaneateles LakeBright Sun and Snow

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Taos to Albuquerque

OK – Taos.  All that I wrote about the drive from Pueblo Colorado to Taos, New Mexico was true, except for some specific details, details that I’m not sure need to be covered in a blog more or less about beer.  Suffice it to say we left a bar in Pueblo, Colorado around 11pm and drove 35 miles through a blinding snow storm to a rest stop, tucked ourselves into bed in the back of our Element with pie in the sky hopes that the snow would subside by morning, it didn’t. Using a Frisbee (it was early October so we were unprepared for a blizzard) I cleared as much snow off the car as I could and we were off towards Walsenburg, Colorado, where we stopped for coffee, bought bad gas and caught up on email before moving further on towards Taos.

The snow in the morning

The snow in the morning

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Grand Canyon Sunrise

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On a cold and snowy morning in late October, Pearson and I got up early to watch the sun rise from Mather Point.  It was overcast, but the peaceful dawn was a memorable experience and well worth the chill.

Dawn at Mather Point Continue reading »

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Northern New Mexico

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Rio Grande Gorge Bridge

Rio Grande Gorge Bridge in New Mexico

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Near Limon, Colorado

near Limon, Colorado

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