Tag Archives: porter

Hiking in the Adirondacks

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View of Lake Placid from the top of Whiteface

View of Lake Placid from the top of Whiteface

I have always loved the outdoors. Growing up I enjoyed climbing trees, riding my bike, swimming, and exploring nature. But of all of my outdoor memories, I have very few recollections of hiking as a kid and the only one that stands out was with my grandfather in the Niagara Gorge.

I was so excited to be out hiking that I ran through the woods, climbing over boulders and scrambling high above the trail. My grandfather tells the story differently: that I ran off, out of his sight, and was being a daredevil and meanwhile, on the trail, my sister and brother were whining and asking how much further (this may have had something to do with why my family didn’t do a lot of hiking). Continue reading »

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